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Assembly Bill 130: New Options To Meet Basic Skills and Subject Matter

Assembly Bill (AB) 130 was signed by the Governor and became effective July 9, 2021. Provisions of the bill create new options for credential candidates to meet the Subject Matter and the Basic Skills Requirements (BSR). The bill does not waive the requirement. 

New Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) Options

Individuals may meet the requirement by passage of courses in reading, writing, and mathematics as outlined below. Courses must have been taken at a regionally-accredited college or university for credit, passed with a grade of B or better, be degree applicable, and be at least 3 semester units (or equivalent quarter units).

  • For reading proficiency: a course in critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis.
  • For writing proficiency: a course in composition, English, rhetoric, written communication, or writing.
  • For mathematics proficiency: a course in algebra, geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics.

In addition, Commission approved programs may use a mix and match from available options for candidates as well.  For example, a candidate who has passed the CBEST subtests in reading and writing but not mathematics may use the two passed CBEST subtests and coursework that meets the mathematics criteria as listed above so long as the candidate earned a B or higher in that course and it was taken at a regionally accredited institution of higher education. 

Detailed information for meeting the BSR can be found on the following link Basic Skills Requirement (CL-667) (

Current SSU Credential Students: Please complete the BSR Self Report form. If you have not met BSR our office will be evaluating your transcripts to determine if you meet this requirement based on coursework. You will receive the results of the evaluation via email.  

Prospective Students: We will not be evaluating for BSR for non SSU Credential students. All prospective students will need to verify BSR at the time you submit a program application for admission. 

New Subject Matter Competence Options

Previously, to meet the Subject Matter Requirement, candidates must have either received a passing score on the applicable CSET examination or completed a Commission-approved subject matter waiver program. AB 130 expands the available options to allow candidates to meet the Subject Matter Requirement through any one of the following methods:

  1. Successful completion of coursework, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation that addresses each of the Commission-adopted domains of the applicable subject matter requirements. (This option is currently not available. Due to the complexity of these changes, the CTC will be developing guidance for programs to conduct coursework evaluations. Until then we are not offering any course evaluations.)
  2.  Successful completion of an academic major in the subject they will teach.
    • a.  For Single Subject credentials, the major must be in one of the subjects named in Education Code section 44257(a).
    • b.  For Multiple Subject credentials, completion of a baccalaureate degree or higher in one of the following academic degree majors meets the the subject matter competency requirement: 
      • Liberal Studies
      • Liberal Arts
      • Elementary Education      
    • c.  For Education Specialist credentials, the major must directly align with one of the acceptable majors for the Multiple Subject credential or Single Subject credential.
  3. A combination of coursework and examination options that meet or exceed the domains of the subject matter requirements. Such mixing of options may only be done by candidates enrolled in a Commission-approved preparation program that allows for this option. (This option is currently not available. Due to the complexity of these changes the CTC will be developing guidance for programs to conduct coursework evaluations. Until then we are not offer any course evaluations.)

Current SSU Credential Students: Please do not contact our office to request an evaluation for subject matter (CSET.) If you have not met the subject matter requirement, our office will be evaluating your transcripts to determine if you meet this requirement based on your degree major. You will be given credit for subject matter if it is determined you have a degree major listed in the Education Code, otherwise you will be subject to taking the CSET exam. 

Prospective Students: We are currently not evaluating coursework for subject matter. All prospective students will need to submit verification of subject matter at the time you submit an application for admission. 

For frequently asked questions regarding these new options, please visit the FAQ page.