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Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, but please submit appointment details for your scheduled exams with the program application. We recommend taking your exams no later than January for Fall admission OR July for Spring admission.

Yes, please contact the Credentials & Graduate Applications Office for more information.

Basic Skills Requirement FAQ

How can I meet the Basic Skills requirement to start a credential program?
On June 29, 2024, Governor Newsom signed a budget trailer bill, SB 153 (Chap.38, Statutes of 2024), that allow candidates to use their bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education as demonstration of the Basic Skills Requirement (most commonly known as CBEST), effective immediately. 
Can a candidate who took courses at a college or university outside of the United States use those courses to meet the Basic Skills Requirement?
Yes, as long as the candidate has obtained an evaluation from a Commission approved foreign transcript evaluating agency showing that the coursework is equivalent to courses taken at a regionally-accredited college or university in the United States. Additionally, courses covering the reading and writing components must demonstrate proficiency in the English language.

Subject Matter Requirement FAQ 

Is it true that CSET is no longer required to get a teaching credential or does SSU still require you to pass the CSET if you want to join the credential program?
This is incorrect; subject matter is still required for admission and to obtain a teaching credential. Previously, to meet the Subject Matter Requirement, candidates must have either received a passing score on the applicable CSET examination or completed a Commission-approved subject matter waiver program. AB 130 expands the available options to allow candidates to meet the Subject Matter Requirement through coursework or a combination of exam and coursework.  
What degree majors are acceptable for Single Subject credential candidates who wish to meet the subject matter requirement via degree major?
At this time, the degree major must correspond to the authorization to be listed on a Single Subject Credential. For example, a degree authorization in English would qualify to cover the subject matter competency or Single Subject credential in English. The law as written requires that the degree major exactly align with the subject area of the credential, meaning that a candidate who is completing a Single Subject credential program in Science: Biological Science would need to have earned a degree in Biology or Biological Science. A degree in Environmental Biology would not be acceptable for this purpose.
What if a candidate’s degree is in a closely related subject, but is not in the exact subject of the single subject credential they seek?
The current statutory language does not provide leeway for the acceptance of closely related subjects; the match must be exact. The Commission has begun work on emergency regulations that would expand the degree majors that could meet the Subject Matter Requirement through subsumed subjects or through evaluation of the coursework taken to complete the degree. These regulations would clarify that the subsumed subjects as outlined in Title 5 section 80005 would be acceptable degree majors for meeting subject matter. This flexibility is not available until and unless it is approved by the Office of Administrative Law.
According to the list of approved subjects I must have a degree in World Language to teach a foreign language, is this correct?
The degree major must be in the language to be taught regardless of any mention of World Language. For example, a degree major in Spanish will meet the subject matter requirement for the Single Subject: Spanish credential. 
My degree major is in Kinesiology, does this meet the subject matter for physical education?
No, a degree major in Kinesiology alone will not satisfy the requirement. The degree must list Physical Education. For example, Kinesiology: Physical Education will  satisfy the subject matter requirement.
My undergraduate degree major is in Liberal Studies however, I also have a Mater's degree in Music. Can I use my Master's degree major to satisfy the subject matter requirement to teach Music?
Yes, Ed. Code Section 44259 states the degree major must be a BA or higher, so a Master's degree in Music will meet the requirement. 
For the coursework option in which the preparation program reviews the course content a candidate has taken against the domains of the applicable Subject Matter Requirements, can a Commission-approved preparation program evaluate a candidate’s coursework for the subject matter domains now?
Programs should not begin to evaluate coursework until the Commission has completed the process of promulgating regulations that will clarify and make specific the criteria for evaluation for example; who should do the evaluation and what the credit and/or letter grade requirements are. The Commission is working to finalize those emergency regulations now that the new Subject Matter Requirement provisions are in effect and will provide additional guidance in the coming weeks to programs that wish to compete these coursework evaluations.

Once you complete the program, the credential analyst will provide you guidance on what you need to submit to request your credential. If you have the instructions and are ready to pay the processing fee, please click HERE. Please contact us if you have any questions. 


Information regarding Credential Program Prerequisites can be found on our Credential Program Prerequisites webpage.

If you have any questions, please contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office.

  • The GRE is not required for any of our credential or Master's degree programs.
  • All basic credential program require basic skills and subject matter competency to be met prior to beginning a program.
  • Candidates applying for the Multiple Subject, Single Subject and Special Education credential programs may pass the appropriate examinations of the CSET or show proof of having completed an approved Subject Matter preparation program.

The current estimate of program cost which includes all associated fees for exams, parking, and textbooks, etc. for full time enrollment for California residents, is $15,000. For more information on program related fees please visit. For more information on tuition and related fees please visit Student Charges and Fees.

a. Attend one of our Information Workshops. The workshops will review all of the application requirements for obtaining a credential in California. Workshops are offered the first Monday of every month for the Multiple Subject program, second Monday of the month for Single Subject program, and third Monday of the month for the Special Education program.

b. Not able to attend a workshop? Contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office for more information or a one-on-one appointment. Email OR call 707-664-2832.

College of Education, Counseling, and Ethnic Studies Credential Program:

Official transcripts from all accredited colleges and universities are required.

Credential candidates must submit an unofficial copy of the SSU transcript with the application. Official SSU transcripts are not required for the credential program application.

Applicants to the Master's program MUST submit official transcripts from all accredited colleges and universities including SSU.

Option 1: Mail

Mail all transcripts to:

Sonoma State University
Attn: Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office
1801 East Cotati Avenue
Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Option 2: Electronic Transcripts

SSU accepts electronic transcripts from ONLY the following two electronic exchange services:

  • eTranscripts California
  • Parchment

SSU does not accept direct email attachments of official or unofficial transcripts from students or 3rd parties.

Please direct electronic transcripts to:

SSU's Office of Admissions:

The Office of Admissions may also require transcripts from other colleges or universities. Please do not send SSU official transcripts to SSU's office of Admissions.

Earning a Second Credential

If you have a valid Multiple or Single Subject credential and now want to earn an Education Specialist Preliminary Credential, you must do the following:

  1. Apply to and enroll in a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential program. While your Multiple or Single Subject Credential may help you meet some of the requirements for the Preliminary Education Specialist program, you must still complete a Preliminary Education Specialist credential program to be eligible for the credential.
  2. Learn more about our Preliminary Education Specialist program at SSU.

If you have a valid Multiple Subject Credential earned through a California based credential program and now want a Single Subject Credential you must do the following:

  1. Meet subject matter competency either by waiver or exam(s) in the subject you are seeking a Single Subject Credential; contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at if you are unsure of what exams to take.
  2. Take a secondary teaching methodology (that is not reading) course at a university with an approved credential program; at Sonoma State we recommend EDSS 444 in the desired subject area; contact the Chair to obtain permission to take the methods course and instruction on registration.
  3. Once you have these requirement met, you can apply directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for your second credential; visit For more information please email the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at
  4. If you hold a California credential based on an out-of-state program, these requirements may differ. Visit the CTC at or email the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at for information.

If you have a valid Single Subject Credential and now want a second Single Subject Credential in another subject area you must do the following:

  1. Meet subject matter competency either by waiver or exam(s) in the subject you are seeking a Single Subject Credential; contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at if you are unsure of what exams to take.
  2. Take a methodology course in the subject that you want to add at a University with an approved Credential Program: at Sonoma State contact the Chair to obtain advising and instructions on registration.
  3. Once you have these requirement met, you can apply directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for your second credential; visit For more information please email the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at

If you have a valid single subject credential earned through a California based credential program and now want a multiple subject credential you must do the following:

  1. Meet subject matter competency by passing the CSET: Multiple Subject Exam (all three subtests) or having a BA degree in Liberal Studies or Liberal Arts.
  2. Take an elementary teaching methodology (that is not reading) course at a University with an approved Credential Program; contact the Chair to obtain permission to take the methods course and instruction on registration.
  3. Take an elementary teaching reading course and take and pass RICA; at Sonoma State you must contact the Chair to obtain advising and permission to take the course and instructions on registration.
  4. Once you have these requirement met, you can apply directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for your second credential; visit For more information please email the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at
  5. If you hold a California credential based on an out-of-state program, these requirements may differ. Go to or email the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at for information.

Please contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office if you completed your first special education credential at SSU and now want to add the second credential. If you did not complete the special education program at SSU, you must complete the entire program application and submit supporting documents for evaluation.

If you have a valid Education Specialist Credential and now want to earn a Multiple or Single Subject Credential, you must do the following:

  1. Apply to and enroll in a Multiple or Single Subject Credential program. Your Education Specialist Credential may help you meet some of the requirements for the Multiple or Single Subject Credential. However, you must still complete a Multiple or Single Subject Credential program to be eligible for the credential you are seeking.
  2. Read about the Sonoma State Multiple Subject Credential Program or Single Subject Credential Program.


Only qualified candidates who have completed Preliminary or Clear credential requirements can apply for a credential.

Below you will find links to the forms and instructions needed in order to request a credential through the College of Education, Counseling, and Ethnic Studies at Sonoma State University. 

Please contact the Credential & Graduate Admissions Office if you have any questions.

How to Apply for your Credential, CofE, or Added Authorization (all programs)

Please complete and follow the instructions on the Special Evaluation Service Request Form if you would like to make a special evaluation request for:

  • SSU-Credential Verification for Out-of-State Verification (for candidates moving to other states)
  • Subject Matter Authorization
Contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office if you have questions or need additional information. 

To pay for your Special Evaluation Request, follow the instructions for the Special Evaluation Services Request. Please contact us if you have any questions.

If you completed your credential at SSU and was granted one by the state of California, and now want to add a supplementary or subject matter authorization please complete the Special Evaluation Services Request Form

If you completed your credential at SSU and was granted one by the state of California, to receive a program verification please complete the Special Evaluation Services Request Form.

For information on getting a Substitute Teaching Permit, contact your local County Office of Education. 
Visit SCOE for information about substitute teaching in Sonoma County.
Visit NCOE for information about substitute teaching in Napa County.
Visit MCOE for information about substitute teaching in Marin County.

Once you receive your Certificate of Eligibility from SSU, you will need to go through your employing county to have your Certificate of Eligibility changed to a Preliminary Credential.

As long as you remain employed, it doesn't matter if your job changes between the time you apply for the credential and next fall/spring.

Candidates for the Administrative Services Credential can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility once they have completed all program requirements for their credential. The Certificate of Eligibility tells a prospective employer that you are eligible for a credential. It also means that you are not obligated to enroll in an ASC Clear program until you are awarded the Preliminary Credential. The Preliminary Credential can only be requested if the candidate has secured a job as an administrator.