Aidan Humrich
Assistant to the Dean

(707) 664-2132
Stevenson 2100FAbout
A native of Sonoma County, Aidan holds a BA in Cinema Studies from San Francisco State University, and has been a paralegal, a notary public, a pastry chef and worked in public television on the documentary series Independent Lens. She joined SSU in 2018, and is an Undocu-Ally, former Vice Chair of the Staff Council (2020-2022), former staff representative on the President's Advisory Council on Diversity, Equity, Campus Climate, and Inclusion and member of the University Web Team. At work, Aidan enjoys maintaining websites and social media pages, creating flyers and keeping things organized for the College. At home, she enjoys gardening, cooking, reading, watching movies, attending live music and comedy performances, and spending time with her husband and three cats, Charlie, Kiku and Maggie.