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CSET and CBEST Support

SEEDS Logo Seawolves to Education Specialists Sonoma State University

240 Tutoring Study Guide Program 

This fully online resource will provide practice exams, instructional content, and flash card review to help prepare students for the CBEST exam, the RICA, all MULTIPLE SUBJECT CSET content areas, and most SINGLE SUBJECT CSET content areas (Mathematics, English, Physical Education, General Science, & Social Science). Students will be assigned an SSU advisor who will help participants to stay on track, problem solve any issues, and provide overall support for student success. This resource is FREE to any SSU student who is conditionally accepted into a teacher credential program or applying for Fall 2023/Spring 2024. You must be registered for your CBEST/CSET exam(s) prior to signing up for this program.

Please contact Sara Jordan at if you're interested in this resource.