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I have a Single Subject credential and now want to add another subject area.

If you have a valid Single Subject Credential and now want a second Single Subject Credential in another subject area you must do the following:

  1. Meet subject matter competency either by waiver or exam(s) in the subject you are seeking a Single Subject Credential; contact the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at if you are unsure of what exams to take.
  2. Take a methodology course in the subject that you want to add at a University with an approved Credential Program: at Sonoma State contact the Chair to obtain advising and instructions on registration.
  3. Once you have these requirement met, you can apply directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for your second credential; visit for more information OR contact the Credential Analyst if you wish for SSU to recommend you or if you need additional information, at Please note that a processing fee is required if you wish for SSU to submit the request to CTC. For more information please email the Credentials & Graduate Admissions Office at