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Find the Teach-Out Advising Plan for Our Discontinued Educational Leadership Program HERE

Added Authorization Admissions Checklist

Note: Always refer to the program application for detailed instructions and steps. 

Icons application. Computer monitor and keyboard.

Step 1

Contact the Credentials Office for a Program Application if currently enrolled in a postbac program.

Icons transcripts. Envelope with transcripts.

Step 2

Transcripts from each institution attended

Icons Letters of Recommendation. Official seal stamp.

Step 3

Letters of Recommendation

Icon image statement of purpose pencil and paper

Step 4

Professional Statement

Icons Prerequisite. Check mark in circle.

Step 5

Photocopy of Credential

Please submit a photocopy of your valid Clear or Life California Teaching or Services Credential (printout of your CTC webpage is acceptable).

Icons field experience. Checklist on clipboard.

Step 6

Employment Verification 

Icons field experience. Checklist on clipboard.

Step 7

Fieldwork Background Form